Candy Claws is an eight-piece experimental dream pop band from Fort Collins, Colorado that seamlessly mixes elements of nature with electronics and spaced out rock. Like their last album, In the Dream of the Sea Life, which expands upon the theme of the sea, Hidden Lands is likewise preoccupied with the woodlands, written as musical companion to Richard M. Ketchum’s book The Secret Life of the Forest. Using a labor intensive computer aided recording process, Candy Claws deconstruct, sampled, re-sampled, twisted and rebuilt every chord and vocal, and then wove in a sample of the previous track into the next, creating an amazing level of cohesion. Candy Claws unfolds impressive soundscapes with rich harmonic structures and complex musical ideas and Hidden Lands reveals an incredibly lush pop album. – Written by JFelton
SIMILAR | Atlas Sound, Blind Man’s Colour, Ganglians, Glass Ghost, Golden Ages, Le Loup, Sore Eros