The Dustbowl Revival follows-up 2013’s excellent “Carry Me Home” with a new batch of genre bending tunes on the LP, With A Lampshade On. One can expect another lively set of songs that combine elements of bluegrass, swing, jazz, blues, Southern soul, and zydeco. Standouts among the 14 tracks include: the bluegrass tinged opener “Lampshade On”; the first single “Never Had to Go”; the Dixieland derived “Ballad of the Bellhop”; the traditional Appalachian tune “Old Joe Clark”; the infectiously bluesy “Hey Baby”; the love ballad “Standing Next To Me”; and the calypso inspired “Bright Lights.” With A Lampshade On is an upbeat, foot-stomping get-up and dance kind of album. – Written by JFelton
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