Blue Water White Death is the collaboration between Jamie Stewart (Xiu Xiu) and Jonathan Meiburg (Shearwater), whose name comes from the ‘71 documentary about searching for sharks in Australia. As expected, the self-titled debut mixes Shearwater’s melancholic style with Xiu Xiu’s experimentalism, resulting in a gorgeously downbeat album that is both expansive and broken. Meiburg and Stewart wrote the material for the collection together and share alternating vocal duties. “Blue Water White Death” was produced by John Congleton (St. Vincent, Modest Mouse) and it captures and expands upon the group’s sprawling atmospherics. The album is set for release on October 12th via Graveface Records. – Written by JFelton
SIMILAR | Former Ghosts, Midlake, The Paper Chase, Shearwater, Ten in the Swear Jar, Xiu Xiu