After listening to Peer Amid, the latest from Swedish rock band The Skull Defekts, I am finding it hard to think of their name without at least three exclamations behind it. Skull Defekts!!! These guys are known for their minimalist style of ominous rock, and on Peer Amid, they really show they’ve got the chops, as guitarists Joachim Nordwall and Daniel Fagenstroem create a maelstrom of madness with their menacing riffs. Drummer Henrik Rylander and percussionist Jean-Louis Huhta also play at a pretty unrelenting pace, while guest vocalist, Lungfish’s Daniel Higgs, sounds completely at home with these guys – particularly on the opening title track. Amidst the intensity of each track, scratches, howls, effects and sounds fill out the music. Wilco fans may not take to this, but anyone who loves hard, industrial-sounding rock will not be disappointed. Skull Defekts!!! – Written by DBosket
SIMILAR | Bauhaus, Cortex, The Fall, Qui, Rymdimperiet, Wire