Seattle-based trio Charlie and The Rays is composed of sisters Jordan and Rebecca Stobbe and their childhood friend Gracia Bridges, who together spent years busking in the streets of Pike Place Market as teenagers before forming the band. The debut eponymous full-length was produced by Johnny Sangster (Mudhoney, The Posies, Murder City Devils), who helped hone their mix of classic rock, folk and blues with masterful harmonies for a sound that pays homage to the past while sounding distinctly their own. Album highlights include: the slow-burning jam “Ain’t No Way to Know”; the sunny love song “Blossom Child”; the spirited lead single “Babe, It’s Time to Go”; the upbeat “So Long Boy”; the swampy blues-rock driven “I’ve Got a Feeling”; and the 50’s rock-tinged “My Baby’s Good.” Charlie and The Rays self-titled release is a strong first album that is a great listen. I can’t wait to hear more from these talented ladies especially as their sound matures. – Written by JFelton
SIMILAR | Alabama Shakes, Anderson East, Lake Street Dive, Grace Potter, Nathaniel Rateliff & the Night Sweats