Young up and coming Georgia band The District Attorneys released their debut full-length of southern rock, Slowburner. Following their Orders From… EP and building upon their Waiting on the Calm Down EP (from which 4 tracks make their reappearance), the quintet shared songwriting duties, making Slowburner a collaborative collection of pop in a variety of styles. From hazy garage rock to surf rock, from Americana flourishes to splashes of doo wop-style harmonies, The District Attorneys manage to evoke the reverb laden sounds of summer as well as the twang-tinged, pedal steel driven hooks of Southern rock. Once the three collegiates are finished with finals, catch the band on tour in support of this likable disc. – Written by JFelton
SIMILAR | Band of Horses, Futurebirds, Grizzly Bear, Henry Clay People, Surfer Blood