Dr. Dog – The Psychedelic Swamp

  • March 10, 2016

The Psychedelic Swamp was originally the title of Dr. Dog’s long lost debut 2001 cassette tape and now 15 years later the band has revisited and reworked the songs into a new album. The Psychedelic Swamp is about the band reconnecting with past ideas under the fresh lens and a decade-and-a-half of experience, skill and polish. The collection of 12 tracks and an interlude form a loose concept album about a someone who travels to a mystical swamp seeking a better life, but comes to realizes that it is not what they thought it would be and that life isn’t perfect. Notable tracks included: the hook heavy “Dead Record Player”; the woozy “Engineer Says”; the psych–pop “Swampedelic Pop”; the downcast “Bring My Baby Back”; and the electro-country of “Good Grief.” The Psychedelic Swamp serves as a thoughtful reflection of where Dr. Dog has come from and how far they’ve evolved as a successful band over the years. – Written by JFelton



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